Old wooden door with stone walls
Green door surrounded by ivy.
Looking upward to a stone stairway

Psychotherapy Services

Psychotherapy comes in different forms, usually based on different theoretical orientations. Psychoanalytic, or psychodynamic, therapy is one form, and it exists across a range of depths of treatment, often dependent on frequency, from once a week to several times a week.

Psychoanalytic approaches recognize the existence of unconscious patterns, often adaptations that began early in life that were once necessary, but are no longer helpful. Instead, they often underly the common observation that people tend to repeat problematic experiences and relationships. Contemporary psychoanalytic thought encompasses other therapeutic modalities as well, utilizing relational, cognitive, and mindfulness based theories when these are relevant to the individual.

I offer individual therapy to people from the late teens to late life. In individual therapy, we explore and understand various aspects of yourself—feelings, thoughts, interpersonal interactions, dreams. I listen in a way that can access multiple levels of meaning.

Many people, including other therapists, have consulted me after previous therapy or counseling, which may have been helpful in some ways, but was experienced as not enough. Perhaps more deeply held issues were not addressed. Sometimes suggestions for change, although seemingly reasonable, felt impossible. This sometimes happens when there is a conflict outside of conscious awareness that makes such change too difficult. Psychoanalytic approaches can add a deeper dimension to therapeutic work.

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Readings that you may find of interest:

The Tyranny of Time: How Long Does Effective Therapy Really Take?, Jonathan Shedler & Enrico Gnaulati, Psychotherapy Networker, 2020.

Getting to Know Me, Jonathan Shedler, Scientific American Mind, 2010.

That Was Then, This is Now: An Introduction to Contemporary Psychodynamic Therapy, Jonathan Shedler, PhD. Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 2006.

Medication Management

I prescribe medication when it is indicated, and can offer integration of medication management and psychotherapy. In this way, I am able to follow closely the effects of medication, what aspects of the self it impacts, and what will best be addressed through psychotherapeutic means. I do not see people for medication management alone.

Services I Do Not Offer

Small practices such as mine can provide warm, personalized care. They are not, however, appropriate for all situations. More severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders are best managed by a multidisciplinary team, or by a clinician who specializes in their treatment and who has easy access to more intensive treatment settings.

Rates & Insurance

The charge for a 45 minute psychotherapy visit is $190.
I am no longer contracted with any insurance companies. However, if you have out-of-network benefits, I can bill your insurance company. Once you have met your deductible, you will receive some reimbursement although it will be lower than if you saw an in-network provider.

Client Forms

You may complete these forms on your computer or device and email them to me, OR download, fill out and mail them to me.

Adult Patient Information Form

Insurance Information

Office Policy Statement